LaunchJoy Quests Update: The Saga Continues

LaunchJoy The Saga Continues Banner
LaunchJoy The Saga Continues Banner

Hey Joyers! Welcome back to the thrilling adventure that is the LaunchJoy Quests campaign. We're already deep into the journey, and the excitement keeps brewing!

Where We've Been:

  • Remember our epic launch on 13/11/23? Since then, 19.8k explorers have joined the Discord, unlocking the Joyer role and embarking on their quests.
  • Across all platforms, quests have been tackled, earning adventurers a prize pool of $10,000 and counting, plus 5 Discord roles. We've seen Hunters rise in Zealy, Readers emerge on Mirror, Listeners tune in on Link3, and Stakers take root on LaunchJoy itself.

Where We're Going:

The quest doesn't end here! Get ready for:

  • Boosted POINTs/Campaign Extension: We're elevating the adventure across all our platforms. This means more POINTs for your activities and an extended campaign duration. 
  • The Prestigious OG Role: We’re finally unveiling the highly anticipated OG role, a badge of honor for our most dedicated and accomplished Joyers. This isn’t just another role; it’s a symbol of your commitment, skill, and passion. 

Introducing the “OG NFT” Soul Bound Token:

The LaunchJoy OG NFT is a non-transferable Soulbound Token (SBT) that serves as your passport to exclusive experiences and unparalleled advantages within the LaunchJoy ecosystem.

How to Obtain OG NFTs: 

You are eligible for an OG NFT if you acquire all the roles required, as detailed below.

  • Joyer Role: Start by verifying your account on Discord to receive the Joyer role. Join our Discord and complete this first step.
  • Hunter Role: Engage with the Zealy quest. Reach level 3 to claim your Hunter role, marking your progress in the community. Start the quest.
  • Listener Role: Participation is key. Attend our AMA sessions on Friday the 19th of January to earn the Listener role. Your presence and engagement are invaluable. Join the AMA.
  • Learner Role: Dive into our educational content. Complete task #5 on 'Take your @Learner role' to claim micro-articles and secure the Learner role. Learn more.
  • Staker Role: Demonstrate your commitment by completing task #4 on 'Stake $CHR & Earn!’ stake 100 CHRs to earn the Staker role. Begin staking.
Visualisation of POINTS transaction
Visualisation of POINTS transaction

Benefits of Holding an OG NFT:

Far more than a simple NFT, the OG NFT opens a lot of opportunities for its holders. Allow us to guide you through the impressive array of perks that this Soulbound Token (SBT) presents for its holders:

  • ETERNALLY Bounded: The LaunchJoy OG NFT is a groundbreaking Soulbound Token (SBT), non-transferable, and perpetually linked to your wallet. This permanent connection underscores its exclusivity and value to each holder.
  • FREE Claim of LaunchJoy's First NFT: Forget grinding; your OG status grants you a free pass to claim LaunchJoy's first-ever NFT collection. A collector's dream come true!
  • EARLY Access and Priority Placement: Sales, events, drops—you'll be at the front of the line, ready to snag the best deals and experiences before anyone else.
  • EVER-Expanding and Evolving: This is just the first wave of benefits rolling in for OG holders. We're constantly innovating, and with that, even more exciting advantages are on the horizon. 

Stay tuned for further announcements, and prepare to be surprised (you will) by the evolving potential of your OG NFT!

Fireside Chat: Last Chance to Get the Listener Role! 

Fireside Chat with LaunchJoy Image
Fireside Chat with LaunchJoy Image

We encourage all Joyers to actively participate in this interactive session, where we’ll be discussing more about the OG NFT and future plans. 


See you there, and remember, this is your last chance to get the “Listener” role. 

Join the Quest: 

This journey is all about community and growth. So, spread the word, invite your friends, join the Discord, and share your quest experiences!

Let's keep exploring, learning, and having fun together. Onward to OG status, Joyers!

About LaunchJoy

LaunchJoy is a platform designed to become a central hub for gaming studios, developers and creators interested in Chromia’s gaming and ecosystem. LaunchJoy will launch as a mystery box NFT sales and Quests platform, and then gradually expand its services, features, and offerings to bring value to both end users and project teams.

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